Good news for plantar fasciitis

A meta-analysis of all randomized controlled trials "investigating the effects of Mt [manual therapies] in the treatment of human patients with PF [plantar fasciitis], plantar fasciosis, and heel pain published in English....was conducted. The results showed improved function and decreased pain with use of manual therapies."* "It is recommended that clinicians consider use of both joint and soft tissue mobilization techniques in conjunction with stretching and strengthening when treating patients with PF."

I use a combination of manual therapy and acupuncture then send my patients home with exercises for strengthening and neuro-sensory training--a balanced approach that gives them the tools for life-long conditioning. I have found that rebilitating the feet is imperative for maintaining stabilization of the pelvis and alleviating back, pelvis and knee pain.

* Fraser, J.J.; Corbett, R.; Donner, C.; Hertel, J.; Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy (2018) 26:2, pp. 55-65.

kinesiology taping

Since October I've been certified in kinesiology taping, also known as sports taping, by the only company teaching evidenced-based taping protocols for pain, edema, scar tissue, complaints during pregnancy and to improve functional movement. My patients call it "magic on tape".

How does it work? Two ways: It provides a microscopic lift to the skin which allows improved circulation of lymph and it's an irritant that demands the attention of the nervous system to that area. Some of the most powerful modalities are proving to be those that work with the skin—not only the largest organ but also the largest outcropping of the nervous system.

You may have seen this YouTube video of the cat who is taped and how it changes her movements (Yes, it went viral; it's a cat after all.):

Here's a video of Rupert the Papillon after being taped, proving that taping can't correct for aging (16.5 years) or  for viciousness.

No animals were harmed in the making of these videos.